Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Riseing of Powers (aka MCR)Pt 4: It Had To Be Done

it was 3:00 am and the air was warm, balmy infact. Inside a small house, at the end of a long winding country road, a child was awake, crying and screaming with all his might. The parents of the child were holding it and trying to coax it back to sleep, but to no avail.

10 years later, the same child was a very smart 10 1/2 year old who loved to be in charge even though this often got him into alot of trouble at school. His name was Aaron.

Fortunately for him, his parents owned a small lumber yard, the only one in the area infact. So throughout his entire life he had been able to go to the best schools, stores, and restaurants. Making him into somewhat of a connoisseur at a young age.

"hey, what are you doing?!" Aaron yelled at a kid who was beating up Aaron's friend David."WHy? You got a problem?!!!?" "Let him go now!" "no, hehe, why don't you's come get him." Aaron went over but the bully just turned around and hit hi in the jaw, knocking him over. Then the principle came, and the entire issue was almost completely forgoten, even by David. Except Aaron remembered. "I'll always remember. He'll pay for that one day."

7 years later, Aaron and David were still best of friends. Continually gaurding each others backs. They were the smartest kids in the school. And they even taught a Speech class for the school.

"I need gas very badly." said Aaron as they were driving home from the Circus Maximus, an amphithearter that barely deserved it's name. "I believe that sign up there is for one." sadi David.

They got out of the car, and Aaron went in to pay while David pumped it. "hello, here's 20 dollars. Please put it on pump number 4." As Aaron said this he had a vague feeling like he knew the employee standing behind the desk. "Who is he? And where did I meet him...." "here! takes your's change!!!" "What? oh, very sorry. I was just thinking." "I knew I had met him before," he thought as he went to his car. "He's the one who cracked my jaw in 5th grade. he's going to pay for that."

They got to their apartement, they both lived together because their parents wouldn't allow them to have guns as long as they lived with them. So they had both moved out and rented an apartment together.

As soon as they got home arron went inside and took out his gun. Then he sat down on the couch, and stared blankly into the wall. "Aaron, em, are you ok?" He didn't answer. Just continued to stare into the wall. "What is it Aaron? You can tell me." Aaron broke out of his thought. "Oh, nothing. I think I'm just over tired, thats all. I'm going to bed."

Aaron couldn't sleep. His thoughts were to overwhelming. He had never forgotten what happened that one day at school. He had refused to. He had seared it into his mind, and it couldn't be removed. After he heard David go to bed, and a bit after to be sure he was asleep, he quietly stole out of his room, with his smith & wesson 908 in the inside chest pocket of his coat.

He got in his car.......and drove off towards the gas station. "It's certainly a good thing he has to stay there until 3 am, otherwise I would most likely not have found him."

He drove up to the gas station. "yes, he's still there. of course he is. And he'll be here even longer then he expected." Aaron got out of his car and walked into the mini-mart. "Hello, I realized that I didn't get enough gas to make it all the way home. And this is the only gas station around." "What?! is you's not from around heea? theyss all along the road from heea to Delawa." "It's ok. I really needed to come here." And with that he pulled out his pistol and fired. The bullet hit him in the him. He screamed. One of the most horrible screams that Aaron had ever heard. But it was ok. Because this had to be done. "Who is you's!!!!" "I'm that one who had a problem with you when you would beat up my friend. I'm the one who's jaw you cracked. all for your fun. Now it's my turn." With that he fired again, hitting him in the neck. "You're going to feel this. but don't worry. It will be over by the morning." Then he fired twice, in the chest. and with that he left. "He will be dead soon. It had to be done."

He got back to his apartment. Put away his gun. Washed the blood from his hands and feet, and went to bed. To sleep until the dawn.

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